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Founded in 2005, the Florida Public Archaeology Network's (FPAN) mission is to promote and facilitate the conservation, study and public understanding of Florida's archaeological heritage throughout the state.  FPAN is dedicated to the protection of culture resources, both on land and underwater, and to involving the public in the study of their past.  Regional centers around Florida serve as clearinghouses for information, institutions for learning and training, and headquarters for public participation in archaeology.

The Southeast/Southwest Regional Center for Public Archaeology at FAU (FPAN South) has the following objectives in the south Florida's fast-growing metropolitan area:

  • Planning outreach and strategies for bringing an understanding of archaeology to diverse publics that include teachers (3-12), city and county governments, developers, scuba diver organizations and associations, etc.
  • Coordinating the preservation of archaeological knowledge within the urban development framework of southeast Florida
  • Creating alliances across institutions that can impact the perception of the archaeological resources of the region
  • Promoting heritage tourism
  • Developing web-based public archaeology materials targeted for particular stakeholder audiences.

FAU is especially equipped for this mission with the resources of its campuses along the eastern coast of Florida.  The Center staffs both terrestrial and marine archaeologists.

For Citizens and Visitors:   the Center offers lectures and presentations to learn about the archaeology of Florida.  It encourages the preservation and patronage of archaeological sites, on land and underwater, museums & cultural heritage sites. 

For Schools and Education Centers:  the Center develops lesson plans and modules for the study of archaeology and conducts talks and demonstrations.

For Civic Organizations, Societies, and Clubs:  the Center participates in celebrations, meetings and events with heritage themes.

For Local Governments:  the Center assists with the evaluation of endangered sites, offers education opportunities for parks employees, provides consultation about cultural resource management, and encourages visitors at local heritage tourism sites.

For the Florida Department of Historical Resources:  the Center promotes state sponsored projects, provides educational materials to private schools and public schools, promotes underwater heritage tourism sites, participates in over Florida Archaeology Month events, and provides education to the public at large.

Click Here to View FPAN Events, Activities & Collaborations

For More Information About The Florida Public Archaeology Network
Go To The Website at http://www.flpublicarchaeology.org/serc/ or Call The FPAN South at 954-254-9657